Flamingo Quiz: What Flamingo Are You


Have you ever wondered what flamingo you were? Well now you can figure that all out in this here quiz. All of it is 100% scientifically accurate and 99.9% of doctors agree that flamingos are the best animal. Anyway, so what flamingo are you?

Flamingo next to a lake with two canadian geese at its side

Do flamingos?

A random peacock

What are flamingos?

Image of a hot pink ibis

What color are flamingos to you?

A flamingo obviously flying

True or false: Flamingos can't fly

Xray of a hand doing the 'okay' gesture

Flamingos are the best animal to which kind of person?

Flamingo with its head literally in a cloud, liminal blue background, dont worry

What is required to become part of the Flamhood?

Two silhouetted flamingos. Sunset background. It's okay.

What is an Ingo?

A flamingo intertube with a delightfully friendly smile :)

What is a Flam?

A golden retriever

Which bird is not a flamingo?

A glittery sunset field

How was your day?